Police started to wear body cameras in the year they have greatly affected the police camera. Most states have started to mandate cameras. The footage from the cameras can be used as evidence in court cases. They can also help police make sure they are always doing what they are supposed to. They can help cath “dirty” cops or cops in the wrong
After the police shooting death of Michael Brown on August 9th, 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri, Barack Obama requested 263 million dollars to get and fund body cameras. Body cameras have helped with so much evidence. They can prove cops are not lying and see everything without having to second guess everything.
Body cameras put extra protection for the officers and for the suspect. If they suspect sees the body camera then they might second guess themselves and realize they shouldn't be doing what they are doing.
I think cops should have body cameras because it can helo solve many cases in court and can help protect the officers and the suspects.
Do you think cops should wear body cameras?
Do you think it should be required by every state?
What are the pros and cons of wearing body cameras?
Great topic choice Landen! Your summary is brief overall but the big issue is you didn't reply to any student comments which is worth 30 points.
I personally think that cops should wear a body camera at all times. It can be a very important tool used to keep both the police officer and the citizen safe in certain situations. I do think that it should be required for police officers to wear body cameras in every state.
I think cops should always wear a body camera no matter what. It is very beneficial for both sides, the cop and the other person in the situation. I think every state should definitely have to require cops to wear body cameras because of safety reasons.
I think cops should wear body cameras no matter what. It can protect the cop and the other person in the situation. I think every state should require it due to safety reasons. There might be some bad cops and all the person needs to prove he is a bad cop is his body cam. I think the pro is it can help people cases when and if a cop is doing something unlawful to them
I think every policeman all around the united states should be required to wear a body camera, they can just keep everyone safe and be used as proof if something bad happens, like on racially motivated arrests, people can use the film in court and get the bad policeman removed of his position.
I do think police should wear body cameras. As you stated it could protect them and the suspect. It could save the suspect from getting into more trouble or keep the police in less danger. This way untruthful cops can be caught and suspects can rethink.
Yes, I think they should definitely have body cameras. As you said it helps protect cops and can help get them out of trouble especially since they already get accused of certain things. Criminals will take advantage if they don't have them and make it harder during court.
I do think that police should have to wear body camras. If they dont wear them then I think that criminals will make things up in court that the cop did or something. They also might not get acused of something that they did not do if the cops did not like them.
Yes police should have body cameras. If they didn't have body cameras then they would get accused of way more stuff than they already do. I believe that the body cameras are a necesity because they are vital in providing evidence that we can use while we investigate a case.
I believe that cops should have the right to wear a body cam on them at all times. If something ends up happening to the cop then you will have proof on what happen. If a cop pulls someone over you can have instant proof of what they say and how they react.