Should Parents track their kids?


Should  parents track their kids' location and know where they are all the time? We all know about how technology is advancing. There's multiple apps that parents can always see where their kids are and their driving history and their phone usage. Those apps include Life360, FamiSafe, Gokid, FindMy and multiple more. There are pros and cons to these apps. 

The pros of these apps are the safety features that they have. Knowing where your kids are all the time and being able to make sure they're safe is so nice, especially in the world we are living in today. Some of these apps detect when you get into a crash and notify the people who have your location and the police. Another pro is that it holds accountability when kids know they are being tracked they do way less things that they shouldn't do. Lastly it gives parents peace not always worrying if your kid made it home. 

However there are cons to having parents track your location. It can hurt the trust between the kid and parent, trust is always something that needs to be earned but not trusting your kid can really strain your location with your kid.  Also these apps are not 100 percent accurate and can get kids in trouble for a glitch on the app. Growing up kids want to have their own independence and if parents are always tracking their kids then kids want to just do what they want because their parents already don't trust them. 

I think there's pros and cons of tracking. But overall I think its parents not trusting their kids when they should and it will strain the kids relationship with their parents.However, it could also be good just for the safety aspect of these apps. 

Do you think parents should track their kids?

Do you have a tracking app on your phone?

If so, What app? 

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  • I do not think parents should track their kids. I do not think parents should track their kids because of many reasons. It breaks trust, it makes kids paranoid, it could ruin a surprise a kid could have for the parent, and it just isn't right, to much of a helicopter parent.

    • I disagree if your parents pay for your phone then its there decision if you have the app or not

  • I think parents should track you but shoudnlt say anything so you can still go do fun things, "places your not supposed to go" without them saying anything. I do have a tracking app on my phone, Life306.

    • I agree parents with tracking need to let kids have a little more freedom because they always know wher ethey are

  • I honestly think parents should be able to track their kids and where they are. As a parent, you are responsible for your kid and their decision. You can keep your kids out of trouble easily if you know where they are and what they are doing.

    • I agree parents should track their kids for saftey and it is the parents decision if they have tracking apps or not

  • I don't think parents should track their kids without a good reason, like if the kid sneaks out a lot or gets in alot of trouble, then yes, it might be reasonable to track the kid. But if the kid follows all the rules, and doesn't get in trouble, I don't think it would be reasonable. I think it really just depends on the kid.

    • I agree if the the kid loses trust with their parents then traacking them would be good

  • I think that parents should track their kids once they lose your trust. I do have one but thats mainly for knowing where my phone is not becuase she doesn't trust me. She tracks my phone on Find My Iphone.

    • I agree once trust is broken then its hard to get it back 

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