Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe, Lawn Boy by Jonathan Evison, All Boys Aren’t Blue by George M. Johnson, Out of Darkness by Ashley Hope Pérez: The top 4 most ban books in the united states. The most affected genres of books are children, classics, and race relationships in America.
In 2021 138 schools were affected by banning books. Over 1,600 books were banned across 32 states. The number of books only increases every year. Texas and Florida are the top leading states in banned books.
There are pros and cons to banning books. Parents should get the right to decide what their kids should and should not read however, they shouldn't get to decide what other students in the school read if they aren't their parents. Parents and schools banning books could limit profanities and hate speech in young kids and elementary schools.
Should parents be able to ban books?
Are there any books that are banned books you want to read?
Do you know any books that have been banned from school?
Good topic choice Secilia! It is over a week late and you didn't reply to any students comments which is worth 30 points. +5 new topic
I feel that when kids are younger, they shouldn't be able to read everything they see, but approaching middle school and high school they should be able to read whatever they want. they have probably learned it from there phone anyway.
I think that when kids are younger, they shouldn't read every book they pick up. However, as they get older and are in high school, they should be able to read whatever they want so that they can form their own opinion on the subject. Parents shouldn't ban books, they should allow thier children to read whatever they want.
I personally think that it depends on the book because I know of some books that are probably aren't appropiate for the kids. But They shoudn't be able to ban books based off of true stories and historic books.
If a parent thinks that a book is inappropriate for their child to read, they should be able to control if their kid reads it. It is the same concept of parents controlling what movies their kids see. However, improper censorship of these books may limit potential learning opportunities for the child. If you bubblewrap your child its whole life, it will be dull, however, if the child touches sharp edges, it will become sharp. If you know what I mean.
Parents should be able to ban books, just ones that are inappropriate/profanity heavy, not if they don't like them or their message. I don't know of any banned books, and I'm not sure that I would want to read them because I'm sure that they've been banned for a reason.
In my personal opinion I do think that parents should have the ability to pick and choose which books they do or do not want their child to read. But, I do not think they should be able to "ban" them entire. Especially if the books offer a valuable life lesson.
I think parents should be able to say that their kid will not read something. I think it should be up to the parents what their students hear, listen to and are required to read. I do not know what books are banned but I am sure that if they are banned then they are banned for a good reason.
I don't think that books should be banned. A lot of books are interesting to some people and those books may be the only ones they're interested in reading. If parents don't want their kids to read the book, then they can ban their own kid from reading it, not everyone else's. I personally do not have any books I'm interested in that have been banned or know of any, but I do think it's an issue that needs resolving.
I belive that parents should not be able to ban books because it doesn't only just affect there kid it affects others and I don't think someone elses parents should be deciding what is best for a different kid that isn't there own.