With the legal age to hire being 14 most high school students get jobs around that time. Most do it so they can buy their own things and be able to pay for things like gas or diesel for their vehicles. Having a job during your high school years can have many pros but at the same time it can have many cons too.
One good thing about high schoolers having jobs is it gives them the opportunity to earn their own money and learn how to save their money. They can also learn how to control their money and be more responsible with the way they spend it. Having a job in high school can also teach you the importance of time management and how to balance your schedule. It also has been proven that high school students with jobs are less likely to get into trouble since their days are filled.
A bad thing about high schoolers having jobs is that it can hurt their academic performances since they don't have time outside of school to do their homework, especially students who have sports and then work right after. During high school is a time for people to make memories and have fun. Students that have jobs don't have as much time for them to have fun or make the memories that they're going to value the most or learn important life lessons from.
I personally think that high schoolers should have jobs even though you wouldn't get as much time to have fun or make memories, there's always time for that stuff when you're not working. Having a job at a young age and learning the responsibilities that come with it will also help benefit you as a worker when you're older and move out of your parents home. It’ll also give you a head start at something in the real world so you're not having to rely on your parents to help you all the time when you're on your own.
Do you think high schoolers should have jobs?
Do you think having a job during highschool will be beneficial to you as an adult?
Great topic choice and good summary Alexus! The issue is you only replied three times.
I think it's a good thing that highschoolers have jobs. I think this because it's preparing us for real life and how to track our money. If we don't learn this habit, it could be very bad for our future. We would be in debt alot and we wouldn't know how to handle money. It will be very benefical in your adult like to have a job in highschool. It prepares you for the future.
I think highschoolers should have jobs, it will help them learn to manage money before they leave for college/real jobs. Also after college, it could look good on your resume if it has to do with your new job you are appling for. Also having money while you're young will help you learn to save.
I think High schooler should have a jobs because having a job will help you pay for things. Having money will help you in the furture and pay for schooling and also to pay for food and any other things you need.
I think that high schoolers should have jobs because it gives them a look at how they will live the rest of their lives. And it also lets them earn their own money so they can spend their own money. It also shows how to save money and not just blow it all at once.
I think it is completly up to the student if they want a job and if they do get a job they can get experience in a work enviroment and even make some money to spend or save up for a car or for college. Although students do carry a heavier burden because they have less time to be at home and do things they like.
I agree it does teach them importance of many things and does give them a headstart for adulthood. Developing methods for saving money is also really important and can keep you from going broke as an adult or college student.
I think that many high school students should have jobs if there not in any sports or after school activities. I also think that it will benifit you when your older on your applications and the experience and disipline you will have when you get older kids having a job is helpful to the parent and them selfs.
I think that high school students should get jobs. It can teach them how to write a resume and get experience how jobs work. And also they will get money and learned how save money.
I think high schoolers should have jobs because it can teach highschoolers how to save their money and be responsible for how they use it. Personaly, I think that having a job during highschool is benefical to me as an adult because it can make you be more responsible after highschool, like being able to manage you time better or knowing how to use your money wisely.