Should Students be allowed to wear hats in school?
There was a poll done by a school asking their students if they should be allowed to wear hats in school 79.5% said yes other 20.5% said no. You should be able to wear hats in school as long as it is not a distraction to class learning or if it is an inappropriate lagune or something on the hat that would be distracting to students learning.
I really do believe that you should be able to wear hats in school as long as it isn’t affecting your learning or other people's learning. Hats can be used to wear with an outfit you are wearing and students feel more comfortable wearing hats because then they don't have to get judged by other students for their hair or whatever it could be. If it is during the winter and it is cold in the school some people may be cold and would want to wear a hat, as long as you aren’t messing around with the hat and distracting other students with it you should be able to wear a hat. If it is distracting you or other students if the teachers ask you to take it off then take it off. Wearing hats wouldn't be a probably if people did mess around with them. Some people just like to wear hats because they do all the other times when they are not in school.
So personally I think you should be able to wear hats in school as long as it is not distracting your learning or other peoples learning then you should be able to if you are not and as long as it is school appropriate the hat is.
So do you think hats should be allowed in school?
Do you think hats shouldn't be allowed in school?
I believe that students should be able to wear hats in school. It shouldn't be a disrepectful thing to be wearing hats throught out the school. Why do teachers and staff think that they are disrepectful. Maybe some people don't like there hair so they wear a hat.
I think that hats should be allowed in school as long as they aren't covering yuor face and they aren't like ginormous like sobrero or something. Obviously they shouldn't have innapropriate things on them.
I think hats should be allowed in school as long as they are not innapropite it should be okay. Its not disrespectful in my eyes becuase its just a hat. what if our hair is a mess and we didin't have time to fix it? Or if we didn't have time to shower and we don't have dry shampoo? I think hats would help people show who they are more. And help have better style in our school.
I think that hats should be allowed. As long as they are not covering the face itself, then it should be fine. Honestly, I don't understand why teachers make such a big deal about it other than them just following the rules.
I think that hats should be aloud in class. there is not logical reasoning for there nt to be hats worn in school during the day, they aren't andy more distracting then a brightly colored tee shirt or any thing else. As lng as the hats have no foul language or crude logos they are a great way of boosting your confidence and hiding your hair if your having a bad hair day.
I think hats should be allowed to wearn in school as long as they are appropiate and are not a distraction, just part of their outfit. Some people feel moe comfortable wearing hats because of their personal reasons and not allowing them to wear hats can cause them stress and be insecure about themselves.
I think that hats should be allowed in school. I think this because there is no reason not to. If kids really had weapons on them they could put them in their backpacks instead of under their hats. I think that hats in schools is an unneeded rule.
I agree with you I think we should be able to wear hats as long as it is not a discretion.
I think hats should be allowed in school just as long as they don't have any bad language or bad images. I think that it would show off some of other peoples personality and style. They could also boost your confidence and they way people think about you.
In my opinion I think that hats should be allowed in school. I know older people think that it is disrespectful,but now there's all kinds of different fashions like collars and they say it is distracting, honestly anything can be distracting.