Since the start of having a justice legal system many crimes that people have commited haven't been regarded based off the offender's income.
People that are in upper class (wealth) and when charged with a crime they may not feel threatened based off their offense because they can easily pay for it. While the people with low-income being charged with a crime may not have enough to pay off the debt. While I can understand the legal system is trying to create an equal balance it may be beneficial to base the charges off of the person's income. The charges against somebody with a low-income may not impact a person with a hgiher income; therefore, it should be raised based off the person's income.
The impacts of raising the criminal charges based off a person's income would be that everyone would be able to afford the fines pressed onto them. This would make our economy more equal and fair. Raising the criminal charges would also help reduce criminal activity from the upper class because it'd be more difficult to evade. However, raising the amount of charges lacks consideration of circumstances. Day fines can reduce crimes because people in a welathier origin would have to pay more and could help influence people's behavior. While low-class criminals would be able to pay off their crimes more fairly.
1. What are your thoughts on day fines?
2. Do you think fines should be based off a person's income?
3. Why or why not do you think day fines would be beneficial in our soicety?
I dont think fines should be based on a person's income because a criminal that has less money is going to keep being a criminal because it doesn't cost him very much to get bailed out of jail. Also, some weather people could be paying the same amount for something like a DUI as a broke person could be for killing someone and I don't think that would be fair.
I agree that is a very interesting point
I think raising the fine prices based on people's income would be a good idea, because it would teach people their lesson.
I definitely think it is a good idea to have fines be based off a person's income. It would help those with low income because even though it won't be a little amount for them it won't be an impossible amount to pay and still be able to pay for day to day things and those with high incomes wouldn't get away with things because they can easily pay for the fines.
Personally i think that having fines based on income would be a good idea but it would also have to factor in with teh seriousness of the fine, but for peoplw on budghets or very low incomes this would be a very good solution for them if the had recived a fine.
I think that it's a good idea for fines to be based on income, but it could get confusing. Two teenagers get a ticket and one of them doesn't have a job and the other works 15+ hours a week. The one that doesn't have a job lives in an upper-class family and the one that does work lives lower class. I don't think that it would be fair if the one that's working all the time were charged more.
That's a very interesting way of viewing it I've never even thought about that.
I agree it sounds like a great idea at first thinking about fines being based on income, but I also agree with it not being fair for the people that make a lot of money to have a much higher fine then the people that do so little or have no job. Basically it kind of makes it seem like the lower class is going to get away with paying less for what ever they did. I think everyone should have to pay the same for fines a fine is a fine how much you make shouldnt change how much of it you are going to pay.
I can see where you're coming from and I agree that it may seem unfair based off an offender's income to be raised or lowered.
I do think that it would be way more beneficial for people to base fines off of there income b eacause it can be way easier to pay off fgor lower income people and the richer people should be fined more but I get why they are all charged the same money.