Core subjects are important in high school, because they help you get a field in everything you need to know. Such as math, history, english, and other ones such as financing. But should they be required? Core subjects are required because they help improve student learning, and skill acquisition. They also help students reform strategy, and are related to learning strategies, they also help people get ready for college.
Personally I think that core subjects should surround someone's career choice. If they are going into mechanics, they should make their core topic more math related, and ag related, instead of English or a topic they typically won’t use on a day to day basis. Yes, people should take English, but they should take four years of math instead of English if they are going into a career like mechanics. Core subjects should surround a person’s career choice, and not what the state thinks is best for every student, because everyone is going to want to do different things after they graduate highschool.
Do you think they should make core subject’s surround a person’s career?
What are your thoughts on core subjects?
Good topic choice Averie! Your summary is brief overall and your should have commented back more frequently as well. Your story was also posted a bit late.
A lot of kids in highschool still don't know what they want to do when they go out and get a career, so trying to start someone off so early on a certain thing before they even decided if they liked that doesn't make much sense. Also college is the one that's supposed to help strengthen those specific subjects, not highscool.
I think that core subject's should be required because it will give that student more education with all subjects. Core subjects are a great way to learn basic things needed in life. Sometimes the core subjects teach you things that you may not use in your every-day life, but you will still get the basic education needed. Over all, core subjects should be taught to every student no matter what.
I think that core classes should be required so that students can get an understanding of all subjects. A lot of the classes will teach you things that are important to know, not just now, but even in the future. Most students in high school don't know what they want to do yet, so it's important that they get a variety of classes.
I think that all core classes should be required for every year except for junior and senior year. I think that there should be more classes revolving around what a person would want to do for a career when they're out of school. Core subjects are helpful but not always needed for later in life.
I think that all core classes should be required. Many core classes teach some skills that we may need in all career paths. Also, if your in college and you decide to change your major and the only classes you took were classes to help with your old major then those classes didn't really do anything for you.
I believe that all core classes should be required until highschool. Starting in highschool, I think you should be able to pick the classes you want to take based off of your carrer choice.
I think that we should do cor classes based on what we want to choose for a creer. Obviously most kids in middle school don't know what they want to do after high school sou there should be classes to a certain extent that kids should have to take such as english and math, classes like biology should not be required for someone that is not going to choose a career that has nothing to do with science.
I agree with you, taking more than 4 years of certian classes that we wont use in our future isn't neccessary. I feel we should be able to choose what classes to take after sophmore, that is if you know what carrer you want to take.
I think that for the most part core classes should be required curriculum. I believe that having a basic understanding and competence in all of the core subjects is a necessary skill to be a productive and successful person in society. Even though you may not have to write papers as a mechanic, you will most likely have to write emails to clients or create a resume in order to get hired.