Should chop blocking be illegal in football:
First off, what is chop blocking: it is when one offensive player blocks a defensive player in the area of the thigh or lower waist while another offensive player engages that same defensive player above the waist. video of chop blocking
Lately people have been wanting chop blocking illegal from football. Many people have been getting injured from this block including the 2022 5th pick of the NFL draft Kayvon Thibodeaux. He was chop blocked in the preseason against the bengals and now could have a season ending injury.
The one thing about chop blocking is if it gets banned, it has been in football forever and it would change blocking in football and many teams would have to change their scheme in football. Almost every team has a play that you need to chop block its just part of the game at this point. So I believe if they do ban it or make it illegal it would change football forever.
I believe that it shouldn't be illegal but football leagues should figure out a way to make it safer so young players don’t have career or season ending injuries.
Do you think chop blocking should be illegal?
Interesting topic and one that has never been done before. You did a good job replying back to students! I do think your summary could have been longer.
I believe chop blocking should be ban. I have expeirenced getting chopped block and it is a easy way to get hurt. Chopping blocking is a move that is basically asking for an injurying to happened. It would definitly change the game of football. But there would be less injuries to defensive players
I beleave that it should not be illegal. I don't know much about it but i think if there is an usave way to do it then they should get a foul for it then but it doesn't look that harmful, but like i said I don't know much about it. (thank you for explaining what it was and showing a video of it)
I think that the chopping block shouldnt be illegal because they are still doing what they are supposed and what they are trained to do. You may to think that it is a waste of time or just another way for football players to get hurt but they are just doing what they were trained and basically programmed to do on the field.
I agree, the players are doing what they are told and what they leared, they are doing nothing wrong theres no reason to change the game since its been in the league for years. but i do think they could figure a way to make it safer for the players so they don't get injured.
I am not completely sure what I think. It would definitely change football, but I don't know if it would be a major change. I can see how people think it should be illegal. It can cause injury, and if i was that lineman who got hurt, I would be very mad.
I agree with you it would be a major change and im not sure if it would be a good or a bad change. And i also would get mad if i had a season ending injury or even a career endning injury but then again it would change the game if it got taken out.
I'm kind of on the fence about this one, on one hand it sounds like it could cause a pretty good amount of damage to someone in their legs. But then if it was banned many teams would have to find new tactics for blocking. It's been in the sport for a long time, so if it was as bad as it is, wouldn't it have been banded a long time ago?
I agree with you, i think that it has always done some damage but people are getting mad because there superstar player got hurt or someone got hurt and thats the reason latley its been cotraversial.
I think a chop block is one of the best blockes in the game, yet is scary because of foce to the lower body and upper body, leading to serious injuries. But, football has all sorts of rules for blocking and how to the play the game over many years they change the rules so we have to let this one play out.