Over time people have been debating who likes caffeine and who doesn't like it at all .
Individuals who love caffeine have a lot of support from people around the world, especially on social media.
Caffeine helps in getting concentration in a lot of stuff ,because people like the taste of the caffeine,or because it gives you more energy. There are many ways to get caffeine like energy drinks, coffee,supplements, soda,chocolate,etc. There are other benefits like living longer,less likely to develop heart failure, less likely to develop Parkinson's disease,DNA will be stronger.so like there are benefits but like everything there are consequences.
There are some downsides like insomnia,Headaches, Dizziness, Fast heart rate, etc. There are good things and bad things about caffeine like everything but there are people who think that those kinds of consequences are normal ,but they don't know that caffeine causes all those kinds of problems.
There are ways to get energy and or better tastes but,should coffee be banned from school?
I think sometimes it has to be banned, but there are times that I think it is a bad idea.
Should caffeine be banned from schools?
Why coffee is good for you?
Are you for or against caffeine?
I do not think that caffeine should be banned from school. Caffeine is a basic drink lots of high schoolers drink and drink to survive the day. I think that caffeine and coffee are bad for you, but it still is good and can keep you up and on your toes.
I don't think that coffee should banned in schools, but I do think that coffee is bad for because it could stunt your growth. I think that caffine can be good and bad because sometimes it is good to hav ethat energy and sometimes not.
In my opinion, caffeine should not be banned from schools. I feel this way because caffeine can help students stay awake and it is usually school that makes students need it. Having a lot of homework or needing to study for a test when you have a job or extracurricular activities can have students stay up way later than they usually would have. Coffee can keep students awake to do homework and to stay awake for school, but an addiction to it can be harmful.
I don't think caffeine should be banned from schools. I don't think caffeine has a big enough affect on the learning environment to be banned. I also think that, just like adults, students use caffinated drinks at school to get through the day. I personally don't drink coffee/energy drinks, but I do not have a problem with people who drink them at school.
I don't think that it should be banned from schools because it can boost your focus and has other benifets but also has some downsides. I am for having caffeine in school as long as people don't have too much of it.
I don't think that caffeine should be banned, I do think that it should be promoted to drink less because many students drink lots of caffeine daily, which can be more harmful that drinking one cup coffee for example. I don't think that caffeine is a bad thing because there are benefits, but it also shouldnt' be overused.
Cafeine shoudn't be banned from schools. I don't see it being much of a controversy in this school, and I also think that caffeine isn't that horrible for highschoolers, unless they drink a rediculous amount. And I think most highschoolers are wise enough not to consume alot.
I think it shouldn't be banned unless someone drinks an unhealthy amount of it at school because they think it's cool or something. I do drink coffee in the morning at home, I generally don't bring it to school because it's a hassle, but I know many people in our school drink coffee during school.
I see many people drinking energy drinks in school, so banning them would be a huge problem to the school. Coffee is only good because it helps you focus on what you are doing. I'm not against it, every once in awhile I might have an energy drink, but not as often as others.
I really don't see the big deal with having caffeine in school. It may be a good way teens get their energy throughout the day, or it's just how they wake up in the morning. Although, some people drink caffeine when they probably shouldn't. All in all, I really don't think caffeine should be banned from school.