During a new study of metropolitan areas in America, in places where the number of single ladies is smaller, wedding bells ring sooner for women researchers reported August 4 in the journal Evolutionary Psychology. Girls are basically getting proposed to earlier because guys want to have a certain girl before someone else gets her. Slightly pathetic? Perhaps. I guess you gotta do what you gotta do.



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  • i agree with that but at the same time i dont-i agree because you wanna try to be happy but i dont because if you rush into things it could all come crashing down
  • welll exactly we got 2 do wat we got 2 do an thats one of them
  • all the single ladies!! i dont know how i feel about this.. either its a nice thing that the guy doesnt want someone else to take his or girl.. or hes being selfish? idk.. but this doesnt surprise me. ive been to a lot of weddings this summer and all the couples have been quite young. around 20-23
  • thats kinda cute!! if you think about it! but kinda sad cause if something happens then you have been with the same guy forever.
  • thats good that people are getting married quick, but there is a chance of them being divorced. I agree with chelsea as well, don't rush into things.
  • aw...thats kinda sweet. stupid, and probably not the smartist choice in some (or lots of) cases, but romantic.
    too bad its probably not very long-lived.
    • 'probably'? funny thing is that mostly girls are commenting to this
  • I also agree with Chels. 'Putting a ring on it' early now these days can lead to a short term marriage. Not a happy ending.. And it is just a tad bit pathetic.
  • I doubt there relationships last long because they rush into thing before they know what they really want.
  • women can do things perfectly fine with out a guy, but it things are right....say yes! ;) if you've been together long enough, and you've worked through problems, things will be fine. :)
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