
  • That is really a cool picture! I would love to scuba dive and take cool pictures like this!

  • thats really cool, its amazing how they were able to get that picture

  • thats freaky! but its awesome looking lol

  • wow thats crazy! haha its kinda gross :)

  • The one thats eating the other doesnt even look like a shark to me! Its crazy how one shark can eat another.

  • thats is a really good picture.. i think thats normal and its how it should be .. and without human interference

  • thats crazy!! it is sweet too. its really cool that there are pictures of that stuff too


  • EWWWWWWWWWw it has fur! that's weird! i don't see why a shark would eat another shark though. He's not a very smart shark!

  • I dont think it's real it could be but it was probably photoshoped by a pro or something

  • That's crazy! I dislike it though because i'm scared of sharks and this just makes me more scared. One could eat me whole!

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