We all have heard of sharks, we fear them, admire them, and get eaten by them. But we do realize that sharks don’t eat humans so why is it that Shark attacks have spiked in the passed year. Tyler Bowling shares his theory with all of Florida. “ On land, we are on the top, in the water, we are in their territory. It’s not a secret that sharks rule the ocean. Beaches belong to them as well. The more we swim in the water, the more shark attacks will occur.” So in short the sharks aren’t trying to eat humans, in fact human flesh doesn’t taste well to sharks, but what they’re actually doing is letting us know we’re breaking a boundary and are stepping into their homes. It doesn’t help us any that when we swim or even make a small movement in the waters sharks detect it with their sixth sense. When you look at a picture of a shark there are black dots on their noses, no they’re not freckles, those black dots are actually sensors. They pick up any water movements in the ocean from 330 miles away.
If you came face to face with a shark what would be the first thing you do?
What other reasons do you think sharks are attacking humans?
This one is a little weird, but if sharks we were able to communicate with us, what do you think they would say to us?
That what I was thinking, I first go into shock and not know what to do. Ive never thought about trying to punch the shark, to me it would depend on the size of the shark. If the shark looks small then I would try and punch it. If the shark is big, I dont know exactly what I would do.
I would probably hit it on its nose because I read somewhere that that’s the way to get a shark to back off. Sharks have a primal nature to go after anything it seems as a source of food or is a threat and I’m guessing that the reason as to why they attack. Honestly, I think that sharks would tell us to back off a bit because we're no their space and they don't like it.
I would be really scared but I would try and poke it in the eyes becasue that would make it swim away. I think they attack humans not because they want to eat us but because of us swimming they confuse us with seals because divers often wear black gear that could make them look like a seal. They would probably ask us if we were a seal.
I would also be very scared. Poking the shark's eyes would be a great idea, as long as you poke the eyes hard enough. Hoping then the shark would swim away, if the shark doesn't swim away then I dont know what else you could do. I guess, just try to remain calm and save yourself.
I would try to caver the sensors so the shark don't eat me. I think it would because people are swiming that the shark thinks that we are seals and they are hungery. I think that they would say that you need to ge out of here or your going to die.
I would try to stay as still as prosible becasue sharks sence move ment and I wouldnt be afraid or i wouldnt show it because shakes can tell when youre scared. I agree with the guy when he says that we are in their territory so they attack to show that we need to leave because we are not welcome.
I would also try to stay still. I dont know how still I could stay, because I would be so freaked out in the moment. If you're able to stay still then that would be great, then they would not know that you're scared and frightened.
I would swim away from the shark so it can't kill me. The sharks see us as sea loins so they attack us to see what we are then they would let go when they tast us an see that we are humans. I think that a shark would say get or get eaten
i would try and swim away or just let the shark eat me i mean that sharks can swim fast so no matter what you would get eaten anyways. the reasins that shark attacking humans is because of alot of movieing in the water so they think it there food.
I would swim out of the way of the shark and grab the side fin of the shark and ride it. It thinks that we look like sea loins when we put the wet sult on. I bet the shark would say get out and stady out of my home.