
  • I can't believe it is already semester test time! I feel like it really came up fast this year. I feel ready for some things but not so much others.

  • I love semester test week we can have open campus and if we dont have a test for a period then we dont have to be here

  • Christmas break has came so fast!! Hopefully this week goes by super fast!

  • I am ready for this week to just be over. I am not looking forward to taking all of my tests. Hopefully it goes by fast!!

  • Oh man, I've been so stressed with these tests. I can't afford on being late! That wouldn't be good!

  • I'll just make sure I'm not late, cause I'd really rather not take an F for a semester.

  • all i can say is i hope this week goes by fast because I'm tired but I'm gonna really study hard this year i have already started geometry.

  • Yeah i am going to make sure that i am there on time so I do not fail the whole semester, and i am going to study a lot.

  • I think this week will be fun, well except for the testing part.

  • i have been studying all weekend and am going to bed early every night until them. I think semester test are really fun (if you study) because then its open campus and you can do whatever you want. I cant wait till wednesday.

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