1. Study!! Focus on the key points. You do not have a lot of time to go to in depth. 2. Due to time constraints(7.5 minutes per person), you need top know exactly what you want to say for each topic. BE PREPARED!!!! 3. You have seven-eight topics to study. You will tested on three-four of them. It is not acceptable to not know one of them. Getting a zero on one of them already puts you to a C- on the test. 4. When the 15 minutes are up, you will be done. We can not go over time. This is a time based test so prepare for that. 5. For those coming in with a partner, if the person you are testing with sits there and doesn't answer, I will move very quickly to you as to not take your time away. 6. Feel free to come in to my room at any time to study. It does need to be quiet, however.
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