Sea Lions Shot

On Malibu Coast, sea lions have been washing up to the shore, dead. Police and experts have looked closer at these animals to find they have been shot. One expert says this is illegal and inhumane. I don't see why people would want to do this to innocent animals. It is cruel. What do yo think about the killing of these sea lions or any animal in general?

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  • Brief summary with only a couple of replies.

  • True. That's why there are rules about hunting. 

  • I think it is ok to go hunting for an animal and use it the right way, but i dont think it is ok to shoot a animal that isnt hurting you and your not using it for anything.

  • I dont get why some people would shoot a helpless animal and let it suffer and then die. It is not human and it is just wrong.

  • Other than animals that we hunt like deer, turkey, pheasant, etc. I don't think they should be killed. Almost all of them are innocent creatures that did nothing to deserve to have been shot. I don't know what brought the person who shot these animals to do what he did.

  • Why would anyone do this what can sea lions do to you? I don't see any reason for this to happen, and who swims with a gun? Their just sea animals they can charge you like a rhino or lion could and injure you severely. 

  • That is really sad that someone would do that... I hope that the person that did this is caught.

    • I agree. It is sad and I also hope the person is caught.

  • I can't see why somebody would shoot an animal for no reason. I can understand hunting for food, but just for the fun of killing an animal is wrong. If there was to be an investigation and somebody was caught I believe they should be arrested and charged with poaching.

  • I think that people are doing it is because of the meat and there skin. illegal but very valuable in some occasions. I how that they find the person that is doing this because they could kill all of them off in that area or cause them to go extinct  

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