In Baltimore, there was a school shooting on the first day back. The student was a 15 year old. Many students and teachers thought it was just someone popping a bag, then they heard another bang, and all started running, screaming, and heading for the front door. The student fired two shots, wounded a classmate, and then were rushed upon by teachers. The father of the child said that his son was being bullied, but gave no further detail. Another woman said that they had no clue what was happening, and it was unexpected.
Bullying is a huge problem in today's society. Whether or not the student was actually bullied, was no reason to open fire on the school. There have been cases where students have been bullied to the point of suicide, overdoses, etc. That is still no reason to shoot anyone. I feel bad for the wounded student, and hopefully they will a full recovery. Bullying is something that everyone has experienced. Maybe you don't want to admit to either being bullied, or being the one bullying, and that's your choice. But it needs to stop, and we all can make that happen by making the right choices in not harassing others.
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I feel bad for the boy who was being bullied to such an extent that he thought that shooting people would stop it. I hope anyone who shot is alright!
It is really sad that so many suicide incidents are traced back to kids being bullied. Its hard for people to realize how much their words can really hurt someone until that person does act out by suicide or shootings and whatnot..
If it was me and i was getting bullied that bad i would of went to teacher about it so they could of done something about it.
this is just terrible. and what makes it worse the father said his child told him he was being bullied and didn't take any further action. if i were a victims parent, i would be outraged. my thought and prayers go out to the victims families and friends.
wow! this is terrible I got kind of teary eyed when I read this. Why do people do this? I mean what makes them want to do this I just don't get people like this.
Bullying seems like a big problem now adays. If you being bullied it seems easier to ask for help the getting a gun and hurting people that rediculus.
It is not good that bullying led to a student being injured, but I think that he still had no reason to use a gun on some one. He should have just gone to a teacher about it.
Its sad that he went to diuretic measures and did this. The school should of had more security then it did. Hopefully the person who is in the hospital get better soon.
i feel bad about for the kid who was wounded. I know being bullied or being a bully can be a huge problem, but i dont think the kid should have taken a gun to school and decided to shoot people. I think if you have thoughts about killing people at your school, or anywhere, or even yourself, you need to get some help.
This is so sad. And i think that most of school shootings are influenced by former bullying. Sometimes we all just need to stop and think before we say something. And i know each and everyone of us has been a bully at one point even if it was just something small. But small time after small time it starts to build up and then the person just snaps and does something they will regret.