
  • There could be many reasons for all the school shooting but one of the most comon has to be from a bully.

  • Why would you try to hurt random people that did nothing to you? At least it wasn't as bad as some of the shootings.

  • I think the U.S. schools need to step up the security to help stop these tragedies.

  • News update 3 are dead now
  • Another news update 2 are dead from the shooting now

    • this is horrible hopefully no more die


  • something was  obviously wrong with this person if they felt the need to open fire at a school .. i mean what could possible be that bad that someone would just do that!?

    i mean seriously.. people these days just think its ok to do whatever they want and they wont get any consequences !! i think people need to take a good hard look at their lives if this  is something they've ever considered.

  • News update one of the injured people died


  • It's horrible that this kid couldn't find any other way to take his anxieties out other than shooting and injuring students at their school. People like this kid need to invest in going to therapy sessions or something to solve their anger or depression issues.

  • What a psyco. Why would you go to the school and shoot people for no reason, or because your life sucks and you want to make others too.? He hurt how many kids lives and killed one already. He should be put in jail a long time because thats what he deserves for what he did. If you are having problems and your life sucks, dont go kill other people, go get help, or not to be mean but kill yourself, dont go harm other peoples lives. Just like the shoooting at Omaha. The man went to the mall and shot people then himself. People are clueless.

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