In a public school district in Texas The kids at the school have i wear a locator chip on school days and when they are on school grounds.

sophomore Andrea Hernandez was expelled from the school because he did not wear the locator because he thought that it was an invading of privacy. What do you think would u want to have the locator? And do u think its fair that he got expelled for not wearing it?

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  • Why would a school force this kind of thing on the students? It invades peoples privacy. I dont think the student should have been expelled.

  • Putting a tracking device on a child would make it easier to track them and what if they were they because they were in protection from someone this would just broadcast where they are at to everyone who would like to learn it. I also think that the person should not have been expelled because she didn't want her privacy invaded.

  • I think it's sad how they have to track their students while they are on school grounds. I think that they should have enough adult supervision to keep track of the students, that way they do not need the locator chips.

  • He should not have had to where the locator in the first place, it's pretty clearly unconstitutional, but the fact that he got expelled for it is even worse. Yes, he didn't follow the school policy, but expulsion is way overboard in this case.

  • The fact that something like this is possible in the US for normal citizens is just sad. I think a tracking device on students shouldn't be allowed, it takes away our freedom. It's just wrong.

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