School Dress Code

Some of us may have heard about what a teachersaid to a student about his outfit today. He got sent to the office for wearing a tutu. personially i dont think its right, i mean yes a guy in a  tutu is wierd but he is expressing his individuiality. I seriously think the school is majorly screwed up. they wont inforce the rules about the girls wearing the REALLY SHORT SHORTS, but they'll punish a student for expressing himself. This same thing happened on an episode of Tyra the only difference was the student was expelled. In both of these cases the school was not right Nor excepting of the students individuality. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS.

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  • ok... well think about it. its honestly just not accepted in society to dress that way. we are in harlan iowa, you can express yourself all you want outside of school, but when you go to school its a little different. they are not going to write in the hand book that boys are not allowed to wear tu-tus. honestly, its just a distraction and a bit attention seeking. you don't see a lawyer walk into court wearing a scuba-suit, thats just not normal. theres a difference between expressing yourself and seeking for attention. and the whole thing with girls and "short-shorts"... look at the mall. how many stores sell them? just about every single one. how many sell male tu-tus? ..thats what i thought.
  • i think bruns should approve the discussions
  • ok it is really wierd but the dont enforce the rule for girls because you know everyone wants like to see that so knoe one cares ha.
  • brian. go out in the real world. look at how people dress. harlan rarely has anyone that dresses like that. if you go to bigger schools, theres plenty of people who dress like that. so deal with it.
    • there's lots of guys that wear tutus to school?
      • yes, and some guys even wore a lot of make up. but that is only because of how close my town was to Austin, Texas.
        I cant really judge any of them because i actually think its very brave of what they are doing. they arent afraid of being theirself even if who they really are isnt what most people are. I give all the weird people credit because I know that I would never come to school wearing what fred wears or any of the guys/girls at my old school. They are standing up for what they want to do. So I cant really judge them when i am right behind them 100% of the way. This generation is too stuck up and they refuse to open their minds to things that they have never been acoustom to. But Fred and all those other people are trying to change that and I think it will do us good.
    • I know this is a fact because my old school was a little bigger and in texas and wow there were a lot of people like fred
  • I missed Fred wearing a TuTu?!?! Darn it! D:
    anyway, himself, and other students have worn worse outfits than that. Hello?! booty shorts!
    If he wants to wear a tutu, and he has pants or shorts underneath, let him, he has all rights to. nothing in the handbook says he can't.
  • at least girls look good in short shorts guys in tutus not so much.
    • I am sorry but no not all girls look good in short shorts so you cant really say that
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