School Bus Crash

A school bus driver was driving about five kids to school one day, when the driver of the bus had some kind of medical problem, and crashed into someones house. The bus driver then was life flighted to a hospital. Everyone who was involved in the crash is okay.

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  • Wow that is kinda of scary knowing you could be riding in a bus and then you might be in a crash because your bus driver had some sort of health issue. I wonder what the person inside the house was thinking

  • I don't understand why they would let someone with a medical problem be in charge of the lives of some kids which could possibly become a future Presidents.

  • I am glad to hear everyone was okay!  If I heard my kid was in a bus accident I would be shocked!

  • That's scary. It's good that no one got hurt, except for the bus driver. I hope that the driver turns out okay. That could've ended a lot worse. Kids could've been killed.

  • :( That's sad!

  • Its a good thing nothing really serious happened. Just think if he had more than 5 kids and a whole bus full. Its a good thing everyone was ok.

  • If i was on this bus i would be freaking out! I happy all of the kids were okay. I also hope that the bus drivers turn out to be okay. And for the people whose house got ran into, well they might have to by a new house.

  • This is so scary, my brother rides the school bus every day. I used to ride the school bus, and in the winter it got pretty scary, because of the icy highways and drifted country roads. I remember the bus driver would tell us to hold on to the back of the seats because he would have to ram through a snow drift. I just kept thinking, o my gosh were going into the ditch this time i just know scary.

  • Wow, that is insane. I bet that was really scary. Especially because in buses, you don't have seat belts! I am glad that everyone is okay. I mean, alot of those kids wont forget that experience. I hope there isn't to much trama. My prayers for the house, hope that is all good, and repaired now as well.

  • This is really scary! Its good that the students were ok and hopefully the bus driver gets better.

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