
  • You just love making discussions dont you?
  • Well, you can also die of laughing. a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, a king died from laughter after watching his drunk donkey, it got a hold of some wine, try to run.
  • thats the stupidest thing ever maybe the women shouldnt be such a little baby
  • i would be really scared!!!
  • I agree with Kenzie. I've only heard it as being a figure of speech. That's really sad too. She died young.
  • thats so dumb. and wrong
  • so its not really a phrase anymore.. haha. i dont think the guy actually meant to scare her though??
  • I knew that that was possible but I havent ever heard of it actually happening to someone. Though I don't get why the guy would just randomly shoot into someone's house.
  • I didnt know that was possible.
  • Thats weird i did not think getting scared to death was poossible.. i thought it was just somethiung people said
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