At the Donders Institute for Braina a research team used a magnetic imaging machine to see what areas of the brain were active when a person looked at a letter. The activity was then translated into an image of the letter. The letters were then shown on a graph from the brain the same way they were shown to the person. Next scientists want to make a better scanner so they can get more detailed information than what they can get now. I think this could be a huge leap in technology. Do you think this scanner will help with brain tests and should it be able to be used in court to help with cases.
Good job on your posts and replying to people's comments!
I think this is really a cool idea but i just don't really think it would have much use. It could very well be used in court but that still wouldn't really help anyone. But if they want to keep going to the can say they can read minds, go for it.
For now they don't have to much use for it. But once it gets more advanced more possibilities could happen.
This invention could be huge, if it's just adjusted and perfected. It could be really helpful in major criminal interrogations. I just don't want it used on me, and odds are, neither do other people.
For investigations it would be perfect. But you would need to know that the machine works perfect.
Hopefully the machine can become more advanced so you can get more uses for it.
I think that this is a really cool thing. It is very scary to think that someday people may find a way to randomly read peoples minds.
This invention is a great start for more to come and hopefully only doctors can get a hold of the scanner. So I would hope no one would be able to read your thoughts.
I think this is a very ingenious invention, but I definitely don't want anyone to be able to read my thoughts. This is a very cool idea in thought and in person.
True, having the thought of people knowing what your thinking is freaky. But its a good thing it is only used for medical reasons.