Sad Numbers in Fun Survey

A new survey has came out saying that only 45% of americans have fun and enjoy where they live. 19% say they can't remember the last time they had fun and 18% say they take the opportunity to have fun each day. 

I think a lot of the youth in our area would say there is nothing to do around here and I would totally agree. To be able to have (legal) fun in our area, we would have to go out of Harlan to the city or something unless you want to go bowling, movies, or workout. I went with a few people to Family Fun Center and we had a blast. I wish we had something like that closer.

What would you like to see go up in Harlan?

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  • I do feel like there is nothing to do in Harlan anymore besides going to the movies or just hanging out with friends, even though we do have a bowling alley but i never go as much as used too like i did in middle school.

  • Yeah I would like a lot more stuff in Harlan, whether it be entertainment, food, or shopping. The only problem with that is we don't have enough people for those places to make money.

  • I can't think of any original ideas of what we could have here in town, but I know the wellness center isn't enough, so we should definitely invest in something in the future.

  • i snt really like where i like cuz i live in earling and there is nothin to do in that townand there is nothing to do in harlan either

  • I would like to see a lot of funner activities go up in harlan. i think it would help more kids stay out of trouble.

  • I think a Family Fun Center would be really awesome if it was in Harlan, but I have to say, this place has a lot more fun things closer to everyone then where I used to live. In Maryland, seriously, any pool, theater, or bowling alley was at LEAST 30-45 minutes away. I really like the fact that we can go around a corner and down a couple streets to go to entertain ourselves.

  • i don't think i would like to see harlan put any buildings in, because I like a smaller population

  • i say i would settle for a wal-mart or something

  • There isn't really anything to do in Harlan. We should get a dance club or something for teens, the adults have the bars so we should be able to have some fun stuff to do without having to drive to the city

  • I wish we had a walmart or something in harlan. It would be a lot easier to get things you want that way and it'd be something to do

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