
  • Hopefully they will find out a way to fix this problem! Everyone uses wireless internet everyday. I don't know what we would do if we run out of wireless space, this would be terrible.

  • say what!? thats just crazy.. wait..does this mean we have to give up internet!? i dont know if i could do that.. i mean cellular devices are ok to give up.. but not the internet! wow this concept is incomprehensable!
    i ddidnt think that this day would ever come and here it is. i just wish that someone had the answer to this... because alot of people depend on the internet for more than just facebook these days! like to do some online shopping and to pay back credit cards and to email people that they cant reach on the phone. i dont think that the world will take this lightly.. and anyways.. how would we be able to communicate with other continents? i really hope that somone comes up with something quick! i think that this  is very scary and can mess up alot of things as we know it... we might be forced to go back to no internet or phones and no way to get ahold of someone on a wireless sense... this is bad!!!!!

  • Thats going to be bad for the people who think they need all of this stuff like cell phones. There are going to need to be major changes to make sure we dont run out of space.

  • Hopefully they figure something out before next year since that is the year it is expected to run out and because we are going one to one next year also. That wouldn't be very good if every student had a computer and none of us could use the internet. I can't believe that something you can't see would run out.

  • I have never thought about that being a problem.  That is so scary!  I hope they figure something out to fix this crazy problem.

  • I don't understand how something that does exist in our realm can have a limiting factor. To me it sounds as if the problem isn't that we're running out of internet, but instead we have too many people per capita of each tower and/or service provider. But again, what do I know? [Couldn't we just operate on a new set of wavelengths?]

  • Oh no that would be awful.. There is no way that we can run out of internet! I feel like I do everything with the internet, that's like our life these days. I'd be rather upset.

  • That does not sound good. I don't understand how we can run out of wifi; it's crazy to think about. Hopefully there is some way to fix or at least help the problem.

  • How can we run out of internet? This is weird and crazy! I don't understand!

  • I don't want this to happen. We should be more conservative with our wifi somehow to delay this crunch. Quite scary indeed.

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