Rule Changes In the NFL

The NFL has had many changes in its lifetime either due to player's health. Or to do with making the game as fair and non-biased as possible. There have been big rule changes that many NFL fans have seen or little changes that might not be seen by the average person. These rule changes can be as big as playoff overtime rule changes or as little as every failed fourth-down conversion is reviewed or players can wear the number 0 which usually doesn't make the news as big stories.  

One of these big rule changes was playoffs overtime. The change came following the Buffalo Bill's loss to the Kannas City Chiefs in overtime of the AFC Championship. This change was in the postseason (playoffs) the clock will be 15 minutes as opposed to 10 minutes in the regular season. Another change was each team would get a chance to possess the ball and score. Compared to before the change which stated that the first team that got the ball first could score and win without the other team getting a chance.       

Some fans are upset with these changes because they think they're going away from what the game has always been. Others are worried about their favorite player's safety they think if the game were to just keep going and going players' bodies would begin to fail and become more vulnerable to hits and other football-related injuries. Also, fans are now thinking about all the other games in history that could have been different which would've changed the whole season and could've caused their favorite team to win the Super Bowl.     

I can go with either of these sides because yes it makes the game fairer and a change for a team with maybe a bad defense to allow their offense to keep them in the game. However, looking back if these rules were in place since the beginning of the sport teams such as the Buffalo Bills would've been just fine and have gotten a chance to maybe stay in the game back in 2021 but they didn't, and lost the game 42-36 in the first drive resulting in a touchdown by the Kannas City Chiefs.



1. Do you prefer the new overtime rules or the old ones?

2. Would you be upset if this happened to your team depending on what side you choose? 

3.  Do you think the NFL should just let the sport be played and stop making all these rule changes? 



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  • I like the new set of rules because it gives the other team a chance to score which can make the game more fierce. Before it was a half and half chance but if both teams get an oportunity to soce then it would be even. I however dont think the NFL should make any more rule changes because there is already enough in place.

  • I think the ovetime rules now are better than the old ones but idk why they don't just use college overtime rules and back them up 5-10 yards since they are in the nfl. the college overtime rules always get a winner noe they do go on longer than regular nfl overtime but that's a plus for watchers.

    • I agree I would also like to see the college overtime rules in the NFL it gives both teams a chance to score just like the new NFL overtime rules. But I like the concept of overtime rules a lot better than the NFL it's more interesting. 

  • I prefer the new rules, as it gives the team a chance even if the other team does score in overtime. It will make the game more intense in those last important moments of the game. I wouldn't be upset as it is fair to both teams, it also gives both team a chance to score. I believe that they should stop making useless rule changes, but keep making rule changes that will help the league.

    • I do as well it makes the games more interesting compared to one team offense seeing the field and not even getting a chance to do anything. I also agree with them making dumb small changes that makes eveyone upset.  

  • I prefer the new rules, just because it gives the other team a chance to score, which will make the game more intense. I wouldn't be upset because it gives them a chance to score, like when the Rams beat the Colts on Sunday. I do agree that the NFL shouldn't make anymore rule changes, as we already have enough in place.

    • I prefer the new rules too. It gives both teams a chance to stay in the game rather than their defense giving up the score. I aslo agree on the dumb rule changes their making for example the kickof rule that got changed a couple years ago.  

  • I like the new overtime rules because then both teams get a chance to score. The old rules was pretty much a 50/50 chance. But if both teams get a chance to socre then it's even.

    • I agree that one of the reasons I love these new rules. Both teams get a chance now makes it more fair for the fans and the coaches that worked so hard to get there. 

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