Martin Davis was one of the four men helping fix a manufactoring plant's roof in Clifton, New Jersey. The section he was working suddenly gave way and left Davis to fall 40 feet in a container with metal cleaning acid solution in it. Not only did he get seriouly injured from the fall, but also the acid. He suffered broken ribs, punctured lung, and burns on his legs and sides. The rescuers also recieved burns from the acid, but were released from the hospital.
What do you think?
That would be an extremely scary experience. I'm sure his life is never going to be the same. I wonder how they saved him when he fell 40 feet into the container of metal cleaning acid solution. I hope he is able to recover.
That is terrible. It is amazing that he survived the fall. He is lucky to be alive.
I feel terrible for this guy. But I hope he survives and is okay some day.
This is so unfortunate! But worker really should be a lot more careful!
Roofing is very dangerous. I think that the people that roof are very brave and do a good job. I wouldnt want to roof.
OUCH! That sounds like it hurts. He is going to be scarred that's for sure. I wonder how it gave way and Why was there a container of acid underneath's like they knew that it was going to fall and he would fall right into it.
That's a terrible accident. It's great that he survived though because that is a really big fall into a tub of acid. The acidd probably saved his life though.
I wonder if he's going to turn into a superhero....jk sorry that's mean <:] But yeah that's sounds really awful!! Not just from the fact of how far he fell but also what he fell into...that's terrible.
I cant believe he is still alive! amazing what the human body can endure. I'm sure he is glad that he hasnt died to. Such a merical. I dont know if could of ever survived a situation like that.
thats to bad that had to happen