Robot Kid

In recent news a boy with life threatening allergies is unable to attend school so instead a robot takes his place.  In his class the other kids think that nothing is wrong and that it is completely normal to have the robot around.  The principle said that it because they are still young they were able to accept him.

I think it would be cool to have someone like that in our class.

What do you think?

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  • Even thought the circumstances aren't so great...I think it might be kind of fun to send a robot around school while you were sitting at home:) It's pretty cool that people could come up with technology to help this kid have a some-what normal school experience.

  • I'm happy that the rest of the kids are accepting of this. I think that this is great. I think that he might run into some issues when he's older, but it's better than nothing.

  • I think that that is pretty cool he can attend school that way. I don't see how the other kids don't find it weird. I think I saw a commercial about something like this.  

  • I personally think that this is a really great idea. This allows kids who have illnesses to be normal. What makes it even better is that the other students don't seem him any differently. I feel it would be neat to have a person use this in our school.

  • thats a good idea i think, it allows him to be with the other kids and stuff

  • I think its kinda cool that he has the opportunity to still be able to attend classes in a sense. I would probably think it was weird at first but eventually it would end up becoming more normal. It is unfortunate that he has such terrible allergies that he can't be in school.

  • I bet that was pretty costly for the parent. Maybe not though. I feel bad for the kid not being able to go out.

  • I think that is a great use of technology. The kid can still learn even though he has a life threatening illness.

  • I think this is really cool because even though the kid has allergies, he is still able to learn and be with his friends using technology

  • This is like the commercial. I think this is a great idea for kids with life threating diseases or arent able to come to school! This will definitely change the future for kids like him. Like Liz said he will be able to be a normal kid when it comes to school. Hope this works out for him!!

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