Rising Popularity of Flesh Eating Drug.

In the latest drug reports, that people are using Krokodil, a cheap heroine knock off, that cause your flesh to die, leaving a green scaly wound around the affected area, the people who use it die from the inside. also the drug was supposedly from Russia, its easy to make, since some ingrediants are  Gasoline, Lighterfluid, and Paint thinner.

What do you think the US should do about the new drugs coming into the Border?
Also, why do you think people are using this drug?

It was Found that 100,000 Russians and 20,000 Ukrainians use this drug.

The drug is commonly combined with the painkiller "Codeine" or and also some kitchen cleaners, like Mr. Muscle, ect.


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  • Well done Josh!

  • I dont understand why people use drugs, especially once like this that WILL kill them. The U.S. needs to try to keep it out of our nation, to help keep us safe. 

    • If you think about it, if everyone tried it, it could kill a whole nation. They use it because its cheaper then Heroine, and the side effect, is that it eats your skin, and flesh.

  • That is gross and don't understand why people would want to use this drug. The US should stop importing it so less people use it.

    • Well, they are not Importing it. its coming into the border illegally, and also people can make it in there home, with products like paint thinner, gasoline, lighter fluid, ect.

  • They need to find some way to keep it out of the U.S. People may use this drug because they might be getting bullied and don't care what they do to their body. They also may use it because they dont know what it does to their body.

    • Well, it was said, that "Its a cheap alternative" and yes, they do need to find some way to keep new drugs and some other really bad ones like meth, and crack, stuff like that out.

  • I think the us should try to stop the importing of this process. i dont see the appeal in using this drug. it  is sick and wrong. 

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