Rising Food and Energy Prices

The topic that I chose as you can see is why prices of food and energy is going up. A large contributer to the rising food prices is the war with russia and ukraine. The reason why is because grain exports from Ukraine have been brought to a halt because Russia has stoped those exports counting for almost 10% of the worlds grain. Because so much food is not being sent out there is a lot less food with the same amiunt of demand leading to higher prices.


Another reason is an ingriedient in lots of fertiliezer is Urea. Urea prices have been going up due to lots of demand and less and less product. Urea is a natural occuring molecule made of 46% nitreogen. using urea in the fields can lead to a higher crop yield, but using to much can easily damage the fertilizer and will dramaticly lower the crops yield, which leads to lower amounts of food with high demand.


Some reasons that energy prices have hit a high that hadnt been seen since the 1970's is because there is less oil being made because there is less oil to drill from the earth. But prices are going to get higher because oil thats being used is coming from oil reserves instead of coming from the oil mills. Fossil fuel is also a huge contributer to our daily energy usage. The price for electricity from Fossil fuel is climbing because maintaining and replacing the machinery is very expensive, and has to be paid for.


What are some questions that you have?

What are some of your thoughts?

Do you have any ideas of how to fix these prices?



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    • Well first of all food thats imported can be cheaper than the stuff grown here because the USD is worth more than most other currencys. I do think The government should help the farmers but I'm not sure how.

  • Why do we have to pay money for the war if we are not in it? I personally don't think that we have to pay for different things when we are not even in the war. I think only the countries that are involved in it have to. I also think a big thing that will help is if the war would end. If it ends we can start building up more oil and the fossil fuels.

    • The reason that we pay for the war is because we pay taxs to the U.S. and the U.S. contributes to the war is because the U.S. and Ukraine are part of NATO which if you didnt know is simply countrys making treaties with other countrys to not have war with each other and to aid other countrys that are in NATO  in times of distress. I do indeed hope that the war would end so that there would be #1 less war #2 more fuel #3 more grain.

  • I think that the government should be helping the farmers and that the prioces can be fixed if we stop relying on foreign crops and pay the American farmers more. How do you think we should fix the prices?

    • If we stop importing food from other countries and started relying on our localy (local being the U.S.) prices would go even higher because the amarican dollar is worth more than most other currencys. I'm not entirely sure how to fix the prices, but if the government would lower taxes for those who rrely on thier farm. other than that there is'nt a whole lot to do about it. If you come up with any solutions i would love to here them.

  • Why can't other nations contribue in helping in the Russian and Ukraine War? I think we should not have to pay more for someone elses issues. If the war was happening in the US or in a surrounding country I would understand. I think we could start lowing the prices by stopping unenployment. There are many people who live off of unenployment money but many others who just don't want to work, so they say they are unable to work.

    • The reason that the u.s. is helping fund ukraine in the war is beacause they are both a part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and also amarica is wealthy, also over 45 countries have helped aid Ukraine with funding, missiles, and air support. I do think that unenmployment should be taken care of.

  • What do you think in the future will happen if these prices keep increasing? Do you think someday nobody will be able to afford food and energy due to its rising prices? I think we should find another source of gas because the prices are skyrocketing.

    • If these prices continue to rise I'm sure the government will do something to help the cause, but I'm not entirely sure how. I dont think that foods and energy will ever get to the point where it's not affordable in amarica but I'm sure it will get pricey. The thing with gas is that there is a lot of combustion vehicles in the u.s. and people like it, but I think instead of lowering the price for EVs the govenment should lower the tax for people who but EVs so that they are more apealing than combustion engines.

  • some questions i have are why doesn'y our goverenment work on supporting american farms instead of relieing on other ocuntrys to produce that good for us I think the governement should help support american farmers and place terrifs on imports from other countrys some ideas I have is takle the money from terrifs and use it support farms with grain prices and lower vehikle prices.

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