Right to Spike Hair

A student in Deland, Florida is petitioning to be able to wear his hair in a 16 inch mohawk currently banned by his principal. He was sent home Tuesday because of his hair. He has been wearing his hair down ever since. He is currently collecting signatures from other students for his 'Right to Spike' campaign. He says that if his principal won't allow it he will take the petition to the school board. What do you think of this?

Read more here.

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  • that is stupid i mean its not like its hurting anything to have your hair like that.

  • I think all of this is a big waste of time. The principal should let him have his hair however he wants. None of this matters anyway.

  • oh just wear your hair down. it is not a big deal! i mean if he wants to make a "difference" then go for it! but i wanna  know how many kids are actually gonna spike their hair that high? hmm, something to think about? are they just signing it to sign it? or actually want this to go through??

  • He should be able to do whatever he wants with his hair. Unless it's a private school and has a specific dress code, than he should be able to express himself however he wants.

  • Having a 16 inch mohawk is ridiculous, but banning a person because of the way they wear their hair is even more ridiculous. They should not be able to tell a person what to look like.

  • This is very weird..i dont think he should be able to wear is in 16 inches because that's just ridiculous. I highly doubt the principle will allow that even if he does make a petition...If he cuts the inches down then maybe.

  • He is supposed to follow the dress code. A 16 inch mohawk is too distracting for school, and it would make it harder to focus.

    Also, your link was to a different website, and it was iBossed. The correct link is here.

  • I think that having your hair spiked that high is kind of crazy, but it's his hair. He should be able to wear however he wants. I think it's a great thing that he is sticking up for himself and having a petition being signed.

  • Good for this guy, he is obviously brave enough to be himself, and is going to fight for something he really wants. I would not wear my hair like that , but it would be really boring if everyone was the same.

  • This is weird but i dont understand what he is hurting if he does this! I don't understand what's the big deal! I think if he wants his hair that way he can have it.

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