Return of Waldo

According to recent news, somebody has been dressing up as waldo from "Where is Waldo?" for his silver anniversary.  This college student has shown up at several football games dressed up as Waldo.  The first book in the Where is Waldo series is called “Where’s Wally?”  The times Waldo has been seen on camera were at the Texas A&MSouth CarolinaOregon,  Georgia and Iowa games. 

I think that this could really catch on and be something to look forward to at games.

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  • This is really cool. They should take photos and make a book out of it. I also didn't know that the first book was where's wally, that's interesting

  • I think that is stupid why would you dress up as a character from a searching book. But then again why do people dress up as comic book heroes.

  • I think it's cool that someone is trying to relive Waldo. I think this could be really fun and cool.

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