"Restored" Painting

A 120 year old fresco, a painting of Jesus Christ with a thorn crown called "Behold the Man" on a wall of the Sanctuary of Mercy at Borja, near Zaragoza, Spain, has been "restored." An elderly partition tried her hand at restoring, and it didn't go to well...you would have to see it for yourself in the link below.


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  • yeah the painting was a piece of history, but it's probably more well known now after what she did, and she created a new piece of history. I find it hilarious that they got someone to do it who didn't know what she was doing at all. what I want to know is why she was surprised when it came out bad

  • i think that is terrible that she tried to restore it and it turned out like that i feel bad for her considering how much a lot of people must not like her for it

  • I heard about that and people are making fun of the situation by "restoring" other famous painting digitally. Like the Mona Lisa and famous cartoon characters. How rude it's actually not very funny and she feels very sorry and reponsible!

  • This is so very sad, clearly the woman did not know that she was painting over a piece of history. The original painting, although very distorted and decayed by time, was still very beautiful.I cant fathom ever changing or distorting the painting, as the woman did.

    • She was actually instructed by the priest to paint over it.

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