Apple is always coming up with newer, faster, and better devices which is something I really enjoy! I really want the iPhone 5, which is coming out this spring or summer I think. I can't wait! The newest iPad is now available to pre-order.
Does anyone have an iPhone or iPad? What do you think of it?
I know they made it look better but think to yourself is it really worth buying another just to get acouple of new tweeks? I sur would't get a new one until i needed to.
I might get the iPhone 5 or whatever they're going to call it when it comes's showing a lot of promise so far!
I like the iphone i need unlimited data because pandora takes way to much up and i can only listen to it in wifi so thats at home i just want it on the way to the city
I have an iphone 4s and i absolutely love it! I cant wait till I get to upgrade my phone to iphone 5!
Anytime something new comes out people go nuts over it buy it, and than a few months later anewer version comes out and they waste money. This is pretty cool though that this happened even though it costs more money the different technologies it will have I'm sure will be cool
I want an ipad. I think that they are cool, but people go really crazy over these things. I can't believe that everytime a new thing comes out people go out and buy it even though they have the old one that's not even a year old.
I would love to have all these I gadgets that apple keeps coming out with!! My brother got a free Ipad 2 from his college and i would do anything to have one of those or one of the new ipad 3's. and an iphone would be awesome to have too!
I don't have an iphone or anything. I have heard good things about all of the ipads/iphones and the new advances should be great . I am waiting and i think i will finally get the iphone. I expect big things from apple and they usually give out great things
i have an ipad and i absolutely LOVE it!! its a lot easier to travel with than a lap top! its awesome!
I can't believe that people buy newer versions every time they come out with one. I think that it is not nessisary to have 2 or more working iPads, but need the newer one because it can do more things. I think that they are pretty sweet though. I would get one if they werent that expencive.