The Amazon Rainforest has been experiencing a heat wave and severe drought for several weeks and it is affecting all the wildlife in that area. In certain areas of the Brazilian Amazon, there is very dense leaf coverage making it easier for fires to start and spread. Over 7,000 fires were reported in September (with some of those being controlled fires). There was recorded water temperature reaching a record high of over 100° Fahrenheit last month, with temperatures expected to rise if nothing changes. With these extreme temperatures, there have been reports of thousands of fish floating on the river and hundreds of river dolphins washing up on the banks.
There are a handful of river dolphin species–Amazon River Dolphin, Baiji, Indus River Dolphin, Tucuxi, Irrawaddy Dolphin, and many more–all of which are either endangered or critically endangered. Dolphins help to control the fish population and they are great indicators of an alive and thriving ecosystem. When there are dolphins dying it shows that something is horribly wrong.
The rainforest is burning by the minute and there is going to be more wildlife loss if something doesn’t change soon. I don’t want one of my favorite animals to go extinct because of climate change, at least not in my lifetime. An example of something you could do to help is to reduce your paper intake. A handful of the fires that were reported last month were because people were trying to access other parts of the forest to cut trees for paper.
Do you think that another river dolphin species will go extinct in our lifetime?
Do you plan on making any changes to help? If so, how?
Do you think the water temperatures will keep rising, stay the same, or fall? Why?
I think another river dolphin species will go extinct because of the already endangered species being recent. I don't plan on making changes to help as there is not much we can do other than fund things against it. I think the water temperatures will keep rising as every temperature rises.
I understand where you're coming from by not wanting to help because one person isn't going to do much, but I still think it's a good idea to try.
I do not plan omn making any changes towards either of these causes but I do think that global warming has a huge impact in both of these cases, therefore I belive that the overall water tempatures will keep rising due to the warming of the planet and polution.
I hope the dolphin species dosent go extinict, but I do think them with other animal species will eventually be extinct just not in our time. I hope to make changes and I hope others will too. I do think the water tempature will go back down it will just take awhile.
I agree, I think that the water temps will eventually go down, but I think that it will take a conscious effort on our part.
I think that the Earth s always in a cycle. The ocan tempatures heat up and fall down. The water has heated up many times in the past so i think ocan tempatures will start to fall once again. I also think that us putting all the plastic in our oceans is affecting the doliphins in a number of ways wich could potentaly kill them.
I was thinking the same thing about plastics. I don't know the exact science behind it, but I know that having plastic in the ocean helps to heat up the water.
I don't think they'll go extinct in our life time but we should do something to help the species. I'll try changing some things to help and I think others should too. I think the water temperatures will go bck down since it's starting to get colder it just takes awhile.
I think that dolphin species, along with other animal species, will eventually go extinct, but not in our lifetime. I plan to make changes to hopefully reduce climate change by reducing paper and gasoline use. I think the water temperatures will keep rising because of previous trends from years ago. It hasn't shown any signs of stopping anytime soon, why would it change now?
I think that they'll go extinct within the next hundred years, which is sad, and if things stay the same I think it could be even sooner.