A toddler was injured after being cut by razor blades that were glued to playground equipment at a park. Police say they found over a dozen razor blades glued all over the park, but didn't find any at any other parks near by. They have found no evidence to who did this.
What would you do if this happened to your child?
Why do you think somebody would do this?
Your summary is a bit brief but great job replying!!
This is so terrible. Who would ever do this. I would be scared to let my kid go to the park again.
I have no idea what would go through a persons head to make them do this. If this happened to my child I would be a little upset just to know someone went through the trouble to have a kid cut by a razor.
I know! It's crazy what some people find amusing..
I don't what kind of sick person would do something like this. Hurting innocent children is way too far.
I know, and what's worse is the person was never caught..
If this happened to my child i would be terrified to take them to a park again that person must have something wrong because that it just a terrible thing to do.
If my child was hurt by something like this, I would take action. I have no idea why somebody would do this but they're pretty dumb.
I would too!
this is a very weird story. I would want to know why whoever did this did this. I think that they were just acting dumb, and were just wanting to pull a prank or something.