Rapist Consequences

Do you think a man(18+) charged with rape should go to jail, be let free, and rape again? If i was in charge i'd have something cut off. And you really don't want what i'm thinging of cut off. Yeah i know that's pretty extreme. What do you think and what consequence would you put them through.

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  • they shouldn't be able to get out of jail. if you scar a person and ruin their life, yours deserves to be ruined too.
  • I think they should make him stay in jail cause you neve know what will happen to him there.
  • i think all rapists should be and stay locked up
  • Well there's kind of different kinds of rape. The most severe rapists deserve a brutal death. The less severe ones definately need to be castrated. Eye for an eye.
  • they should have jail time. and i think it's a good idea that they have to register as sex offenders. that really hurts them with getting a job and all that.
  • sadly, rapists tend to have lack of good judgment. sometimes, they are idiots who had too much to drink when they do the crime, and then they don't even remember it. even so, they deserve some punishment, but everyone deserves a second chance, no matter how small the odds of them changing are. although i so agree with the rest of you that they should definitely go to jail for a very looooong amount of time.
  • Well first of all rapists should be put on death row and killed because they are the scum of the earth, but since that obviously doesn't always happen they should be castrated before they can leave jail. They also shouldn't be able to get out early, that's rediculous.
  • I agree with Cody S. It can totally emotionally scar the victim. Male or Female.
  • What?? lets cut something off?? Not cruel or anything... Well, I do believe there are different kinds of rape. The severity of the rape, the severity of the punishment. Its the system we have now. Its working. Dont castrate or "cut it off ". In my own opinion, killing them is way too savage for that kind of crime. They can change. And by the way, not all rapists are men.
  • I think rapist should have to spend the rest of their lives in jail. They will be messed up and confused the rest of their lives, so what is the point of letting them out of jail for them to do it again.
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