A man purposely bought a house across the street from a church that hates everyone. He painted the house the colors of the Pride Flag. He is planning an anti bulling campaigns out of the house. The church thinks that this is a great example of "filthy, soul, national destroying sin of sodomy."

I think what this man is doing is an amazing story that many people should follow. Especially he helped people in other country's before this also. I hope that people will support him in his path to make the world a better place. He is so brave to stand out and be the person he wants to be and carrying out what he believes in.


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  • This guy is good for doing this hopefully he makes an impacted on people to stop bullying

  • I think it is a good idea, and that the man should receive some kind of funding to further his charity. It is a great thing to do.

  • i think this guy has a lot of courage for doing this. its a really cool story and i think more people should do what he does by standing up for what they believe in and not hiding in the shadows.

  • Not really sure what this churches problem is. The guy sounds like he just wants to help.

  • What else would you do when your across the street from the westboro baptist church. I think it's hilarious. everyone near the WBC should do this so they're surrounded by rainbow.

  • what he's doing is pretty cool. it takes someone who'll stand up for what they believe in to actually change the world

  • I think this is a great idea. Although, I don't think that I would paint my house different colors. I would maybe hang a flag or something to stand for it.

  • I think too that this man is very brave and a example of a good civilian that care about other people and environment

  • I'm glad someone is big enough to stand out! Everybody tries to just fit in when they should really stand out and be themselves!! This amazing and I hope everything works out for him!

  • It's great that this guy is standing up for equal rights against that church, but there has to be a better way to do that then blowing 81 grand on a house just to paint it.

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