Raging Rivers on Mars

The mars rover has found some compelling evidence! There are gravel beds that show some evidence that there once was raging rivers on Mars. There are rounded rocks/pebbles around in and around the gravel bed which is evidence of water. I can't wait to see what else the mars rover finds. What are your thoughts.


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  • That is so cool!! This new Mars Rover is legit! I wonder what else it will find!

  •  That's cool to see evidence of a river on a different planet that has no life. What other surprised would the rover find.

  • How awesome would that be to find out that there is SOME type of living habitats on mars?! My thought is that if there USED to be rivers and some source of water on mars, why couldnt there be water yet again? Hopefully they do some more experiments to find out more about these "raging rivers" that were found.

  • This is neat that something that people spent so much time and money working on succeed. I with you, can't wait to see what comes next.......

  • i think that it is really cool that they found rivers on and that means that there still might be water on mars and someday people might be able to move there one day

  • I think that is really neat, i mean everyone said that we could never live there because there is no water life. I think it's neat, maybe someday some people will be living there! Anything could happen!

  • Let's all move to Mars! ;) Kidding, I think that's interesting that they are finding rivers on Mars. Especially with what the previous information has shown. Maybe someday in the future people really will be living there. You never know!

    • There used to be rivers on mars (that evidence shows)

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