A raccoon was dropped off at a first station with a note that says, "I was in a dumpster and got a soup can stuck on my head. It won't come off please help me.A raccoon gets its head stuck in a can. The raccoon's head was very weaged in there. No one really has an idea of how the raccoon got its head in there. The firefighters tried to snip the can off of him. after like a minute the raccoon got loose.

I am so glad that the raccoon got free. I just have a question thought if he got his head weadged in there that good, how did he got his head in there in the first place? At least they were trying not to hurt the raccoon. What are your thoughts?


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  • I would be so sad if I saw a raccoon stucked into something.. even they smell I think they are cute though

  • Wow, stupid coon! At least they saved him but pretty soon we will have to shred our cans or something so that doesn't happen again. This is why we shouldn't put cans in the garbage need to recycle.

  • Poor racoon the little guy must have been freaking out and i am glad he is alright

  • Umm this is really weird! This stinks for the racoon I guess.

  • thankfully they got it off and didnt kill him. he was probably hungry and found some soup in the can and just kept eating till his head was stuck? no one will ever know. 

  • Eww, I hate racoons. Wost fear ever.. and possums! But that stupid creature should have died! I mean there is like 345678978998 out there! Who cares!?

  • How does a raccoon gets it head stuck in a soup can? that is what i want to know! glad its ok though.

  • wow that doesnt happen every day! glad it got its head out tho

  • Good thing they got it off and did it without hurting it. Racoons can be mean but they're still living and breathing. I'm just wondering who put the note on the raccoon and why didn't they help it? I'm sure I would've been hesitant to help it but if this person got close enough to put a note on it and move it they probably could've helped a little more.

  • This is kind of funny. I can totally see this racoons head stuck in a can. I am glad it was OK and went back into the wild.
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