In recent news the PS4 has been unveiled after 1 year of a horribly kept secret. There will be new graphic up grades along with a new controller. The price for this system has not yet been released yet. It has also been said there will be a faster start up time.
I think that the Xbox will still be better and that it would not be worth it.
What are your views?
The link is below.
haha thats jus one more thing hunters gonna have to have fo rhis call of duty war shoot em up games! oh boyy!!
Yeah this looks really sweet i think i might get one because of how sweet the controllers look on it and just because the free internet.
I think im still gonna use the xbox because im use to the controls and stuff.
I think the PS4 looks pretty awesome but i cant wait to see the x box 720 come out because the x box has always been a better concole to some people.
It will be an improvement but I still think the xbox will be a little better.