
  • thats bad they need to get it together. and quick
  • That is weird. Like how do you not know who your burrying??. I feel bad for that persons family because they dont know what happened to him/her.
  • That's sad, They should find out who it is.
  • aww thats so sad .....i would be mad if i got the honor to be buried there then they dont no who i am
  • hmm. lone wolf
  • The grave has been unmarked since Nam. Theres also another one thats unmarked that has a ww2 body in it. so its been unmarked for..... like 40 years?
    • They should be able to run tests on the body to try and find out what their name is. If they found who it was it would bring closer to the persons family.
  • i saw this grave. i want to go back to DC and see so much more things. it was an awesome experience.
  • thats pretty sad. i hope they go through records and find out who it is.
  • Well, shouldn't he be where the unknown soldiers are? It's sad that no one knows who it is though.
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