pro health care reform or not?

I am totaly against reform. Why? I am against it because its not fair hardworking Americans should pay for people that dont have health insurance, that don't work as hard and have it. People who have it have it for a reason. they have it because they have worked hard to where they are.

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  • I am against it. If people choose to be lazy and not go out and try to got a job then we shouldn't be rewarding them. They need to work for it. If you pay for them then there is no reason for them to go out and get a job.
  • I don't think we should because Canada has nation wide health care and it does not work out for them at all.
  • This is totally unfair. The wealthy people should not have to pay for the less then fortunate people. My opinion is that people should have to work for what they want, and if poor people have to capabilty of working, they should not be allowed to have health care.
  • I think this is Very Very Unfair and a horribel idea countries that have it like Canada for example there health care is failing honestly i hate how Obama is running this country.
  • I'm totally against it. It's basically just taking everything that those people have worked for away from them and just giving it to someone else they dont even know exists.
  • I am against it because it isnt fair the richer people have to pay for the poor people. They work hard for their money and what do the poor people do??
  • I think everyone knows that our health care system needs to be changed, but I don’t agree with a lot of things in President Obama’s plan. I agree with you that wealthy people shouldn’t just have to cover the cost for everyone.
  • Well its a good thought to give people healthcare who need it. However it is wrong to take money away from hardworking people and give it to people who don't deserve it. If we give benefits to people who don't work for it we are basically saying that it is ok to not work and just freeload off other people.
  • I think that health care would be good because then everyone would be covered. Everyone would be able to get help when they are in need of it. I also think that health care could be a bad thing because people work hard for their money. It might also mean that taxes would go up if we decided to go with the health care plan.
  • I think it's a good idea, but in the end im against it. I do like that he's trying to get health care for everyone which is good. But I don't think that the people who have more money should pay extra for them. The people who are wealthier already have enough extra taxes to pay without this. These people work hard and get their money because of it. Why take it away? Because then those people will be losing a lot of money and then maybe be poor in a few years.
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