Susan Patton, "Princeton Mom", sat down with Kelly Wallace about her new book, "Marry Smart". In "Marry Smart", Susan said that 75% of a woman's time in college should be devoted to finding a husband. In Kelly and Susan's interview, Susan says that she is a feminist. She believes in equal rights and equal opportunity. But then she began to say how she believes that feminist women have become bullies to traditional women. She says feminists have become antagonistic and have turned to the dark side. She insists on getting married and having kids in your 20's. Every time Wallace would note that it's not too late to be in your 30's, Susan pounces back with fertility issues, coming up with anything to make it sound bad to have kids or get married after 30.
Wallace, a successful business women herself who got married when she was 36 strongly disagrees. Wallace notes that she didn't agree when she read the book (along with many other business woman) before the interview, and she still couldn't after. Personally I also disagree with Patton. I know many people who have had healthy, beautiful children, and wonderful marriages after 30 years old. I also believe that college is a time to find out who you are and who you wanna be. I agree that finding a husband in college is a good idea. I don't insist on it, but I'm not against it. However, I'm not going to base my college experience on finding a husband, like Patton says is a must.
What are your thoughts? Do you support what Patton says? Would you read her book? What will you base your college experience on?
Great topic! Not sure why people didn't reply to it.
well you should probably not just go to college hoping to marry the first boyfriend or girlfriend you meet so I am not really sure if this Patton girl has a functioning brain and i would not waste my time reading a book that tries to tell you how to meet someone when what you should be focusing on is what is happening right in front of you
Yeah i totally agree! She was not making very much sense to me.