
  • that is sweet if you were able to run a country just by an ipad is amazing
  • That seems pretty cool I think that would be awesome.
  • Yeah that's kinda weird but whatever works. Apple is hateing on flash and won't use it in their products so I don't know how well he does it.
  • ha that's pretty cool. the technology these days is crazyy
  • Thats is very cool
  • That's tight.
  • WOAH! Haha, this is neat! Wish I could pull something like that off!
  • wow i didnt know that the ipad could do that thats pretty awesome.
  • If you can runa whole country using an ipad, that thing must be really smart and powerfull. But if thats true it could have fallen into the wrong hands and done some damage.
  • Is that even legal? Actually, the president proabably got a couple ipads before they even came out to the public.
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