
Who do you want for President? I have not picked anyone yet,, even though I can not vote but you know... I am interested in who you want. I remember when Obama was running for president and many of us my class mates where going for him. Now half of them if not more cant stand him. Even though I have not decided who I hope wins.. I have decided that I hope Obama does not win.

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  • Well I don't want Obama back at president because honestly I don't think he has done much good for the United States of America and I think that someone else could do a lot better job as president. I think that the only reason he was elected is people wanted to show that a black guy could be president too.

  • i think mitt romney would do a decent job

  • I would say definately NOT Obama. He clearly isn't the best thing for our country right now. I know who is running but i also know i am not for any of them really. They really don't know what they are doing so i don't really know who i want to win

  • Even though I can vote I don't think I am going to because I don't really care about it, no matter who is the president our world is still going to be messed up because we have been messed up for too long to even try to fix it.

  • I honestly dont care except i dont like Obama to much but i cant vote so my opinion doesnt matter.

  • I really havent been paying any attention to who is running for president. But i dont care who wins and is president. but like dannielle said a lot of people liked obama at first but now no ones likes him. I feel that is how it is for everyone with Obama now.

  • From what it seems is that everyone who's trying to run for president are moronic and/or crazy. Unless a better candidate comes forward, I'm pulling for Obama to win because he atleast isn't changing a ton of things. So far all these GOP nominees are either hollow or are going to attempt to complete unwind the country.

  • i honestly don't pay much attention and i don't think i will until the next electon and i can start voting. i just know that i don't agree with a lot of the things Obama does and i never wanted him in the first place so i DO NOT want him to win.

  • I'm not even sure who's all in the race to be president. All I know is that I don't want Obama to be president anymore. I thought change was supposed to happen? The only thing I've seen that's changed is things getting worse.. But that's just my opinion.

  • I'm going for Mitt Romney he seems like he would do a good job leading our country

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