Since the first family got their dog President Obama has been working on "taking a bite out of" the legislation against certain dog breeds. Looking at 20 years of data about human fatalities and dog bites, the center of disease control found a very small portion of fatal attacks and dog bites are connected. The Breed Specific Legislation let's towns and cities ban and specific breed of dog from the area. The main breed that's always put on the pedestal as an aggressive dog is the Pit Bull. My opinion is, that it isn't always the dog, the owners have a lot to do with it. It''s been too many times I've gone to a humane society, or pound, and I hear stories told of these dogs saved because the owners beat them, burned them, fought them, and starved them. Some of these dogs are mean because of it and some aren't. What is your opinion?

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  • Good job overall Kat but I thought you could have replied to more people's comments.

  • They shouldn't just ban dogs or even anything without giving it a chance everything is different. That's just america be stereotypical. 

  • I never really liked pit bulls but since I read your article, you changed my opinion. I would have to agree on that. It usually is the owner now that I have realized it.  

  • I very much agree with you. Most of the time it plays a role in how that dog gets treated and the house hold it comes from. If they are abused and beat then yes they will be violent but if they are treated nice they most likely wont be. It goes two ways.

  • I think that is cool because awhile ago, a pit bull was said to have killed a baby or hurt it pretty bad, I can't remember. This gave the dog a bad name so I'm glad Obama is doing something to save this dog ass they are really cool dogs.

  • I think that, while this issue is certainly important, President Obama(whom I still firmly support) is wasting time with things like this. He could be focusing his attention on things like the situation in Syria, the immigration issues, making sure that universal human rights are unanimous and being protected, etc.

    • That's a really good point and I hadn't really thought of that. I agree he should be focusing on those important things, but it's also good to sometimes focus on the good while we are amid a crisis in Syria because it would be incredibly dreary, but I completely agree with you.

  • I agree with what you say about it not being all the dog. The owner has something to do with how the dog acts around people. I think that the pit bull breed can be aggressive but that isn't brought out in all of them. It only takes a little bit of harsh treatment for a dog to become offensive.

    • Exactly, I really wish they would do background checks for people getting potentially aggressive dogs

  • I agree that it's not necessarily the dog breed that's mean sometimes they turn mean because of the owners, I have heard that some owners beat there dogs and starved them and that is no way to treat a dog. Also if the dog breed pit bulls was so mean like why would people get them, obviously there are some pit bulls that are nice/good.

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