Amy Wilmeth of Bennington, Nebraska is a woman who keeps her faith while fighting breast cancer for the second time. The first time she was diangnosed she had multiple surgeries, but 2 weeks later the doctor gave her the news that she has cancer. The suprising factor of the whole story was Wilmeth was 13 weeks into her pregnancy. I think that there could be issues with the baby if she goes under surgery, but if she doesn't she could possibly die. What do you think? Pregnant with Cancer
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This is terrible how she has to fight cancer, but even worse how the baby has to fight it with her.
I really hope her baby comes out okay. Being pregnant would be tiring enough but having cancer on top of that would be horrible. I hope she makes a decision that she thinks is right regarding the surgery
I would definitely be scared if I was the mother because anything I do could possibly harm my baby. Hopefully she or the doctors figures out a solution so that both the mother and baby are okay. If she can get through it with having breast cancer, good for her!
I hope the baby is born healthy and that the mother comes through healthy also, she must be a very strong woman to go through both things at once.
I wonder if the baby would be affected at all by the cancer. I hope that the woman lives. Hopefully, this will be the last time she has to fight the cancer.
aww thats horible, I feel so sorry for her and her family and her baby. i hope she makes it to see her baby and they both turn out fine. my prayers will be with her, her baby, her family, and her friends.
Well, i hope that she's okay! the baby too. That's an unfortunate situation to be in. I hope everything turns out fine
I think she should'nt get surgery but do as many treatments that wouldn't hurt the baby! Poor women i hope she gets better!
I think that she has to go through with the surgery because if she doesn't, she and the baby could die. I think it takes a lot of courage to go through something like that twice.
That is terrible to hear! Someone who should be enjoying their time being pregnant, has even MORE to worry about at an already stressful time. Prayers go out to her and her family.