Prayers for Newtown<3

I am sure everyone has heard about the massive shooting that took place in Newtown Connecticut. What a terrible thing, who would do something like this? I couldn't imagine loosing a little son or daughter, especially this close to Christmas!

What are your guys' thoughts on this horrible thing!

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  • This is terrible what happened. I feel really bad for the parents especially being so close to Christmas time.

  • I pray for the familys of the children and of the adults who gave there life to protect the kids in the class rooms

  • I wouldn't even know what to do if that happened to me. How are those parents going to tell their children that there close friends are dead, along with the principle and their teacher. I can only imagine how hard this time is for the parents of the kids who died this close to Christmas. Prayers are sent to those in Newtown!

  • That is so sad! I don't see how someone would be able to kill innocent little children. Obviously he wasn't all there. People say that he had a mild case of autism, but that is not an excuse to kill 18 children. I hope their family have a speedy recover from this tragedy.

  • I thought it was stupid for a guy to do such a thing especially to innocent childeren that do anything. This story of these childeren made me cry!

  • This is another example of how we need to do something. Whether it is increasing gun control or increasing mental health care.

  • I hope the families are staying strong I can't imagine what those parents are going through.. having a child die before Christmas, having all there presents under the tree it makes me wanna cry I don't understand how someday can do that to those innocent little kids.

  • Okay, I really do think this absolutely horrible, but you need to remember, there are millions of kids who die across the world, There was one story I heard about a group of like, 20-25 kids who got killed over in China. I don't see how that's not as big of a deal as this. I mean I'm not saying I don't think it's sad, it's tragic, I don't know how someone could do that to a bunch of kids. but those are just my thoughts. 

  • I feel so bad for all of the people involved and that entire town! That would have been so scary for any child to witness! I hope they all recover and my family and I are praying for them!

  • i just cant believe this happened. All those little kindergarten students, only 6 years old, gone along with many other teachers. This is so tragic and right before Christmas. Just think of the parents and family members, im sure they already had some of their presents wrapped. It just shows how sick and messed up people can be. You should feel safe in school, knowing that your able to come home safely. Now, many children are scarred for life.

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