Prank Nominee Wins

Bullies at Ogemaw Heights High School in Michigan, nominated Whitney Kropp, a classmate, onto the homecoming court.. as a joke. At first she was overjoyed to learn that she had been nominated but then he learned that it was all a joke. Resident of a nearby town learned that Whitney had been bullied for a long time. She then started a Facebook page, drawing over 4,000 likes and numerous stories about bullying. As the town learned of this people began to step up and help Whitney. A local salon offered to cut, color, and style Whitney's hair for free. Another business in town donated her dinner, dress, shoes, and tiara for the dance. Numerous kids came out to support Whitney, and she won Homecoming Queen. I thought this story was pretty awesome! What do you think?

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  • that is not right to do that to someone

  • I think it's great that all of these people in the community joined together to help her get through a tough time like this.

  • im glad that the bullies plan back fired in there face and she won and she had alot of people supporting her

  • I just love this story! Thats really sad that they nominated her as a joke but im so glad she got through it and stood up for herself. Also, that was so nice for the hairstyling place would do that for her and the other business. Also im so glad a lot of people stood up for her!

  • Sounds like she deserved to win. That is sad that they nominated her as a joke. I am glab the community took charge, that is what a community should do. I think this story shows how someone who is bullied, can actually be really nice, you should get to know, and you shouldn't bully.

  • Awh. I think that is truely awesome! Shows that some sad, bad, horrid stories can have some happy endings. I am glad that she made Queen. Anything can happen, and i am sure it made her feel very special. Especially because she didn't start out being ver "Exepted."

  • Some kids are so cruel, but that is really amazing that everyone helped her out. That proves that there are still some good people out there. I feel bad for Whitney being bullied like that.

  • I really just do not like people who bully, there is absolutely no reason to put another person down. Its so mean and hurtful to that person. I mean how in any way, does ruining somebody's day make you feel better? If It does that person has some serious confidence issues.

  • I hate how people in todays society think they can do whatever they want without feeling bad or having consequences. Just the other day a kid on my bus cussed at a little girl in 1st grade! I am super glad that she won homecoming queen though, she really deserves it! Also It's great to know that there are some people left who know how to show compassion and understanding.

  • Its so cruel that she was nominated as a joke! But its great that people are doing so much to help her win.

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