Poverty across the world

One thing in the world that stands out the most is poverty so i'm going to inform you about poverty. Poverty is a state of deprivation in which people or communities lack access to basic necessities to live a healthy life. Living in poverty means not being able to afford medical care or access to basics such as electricity, shelter, and food. The 6 main problems about poverty are hunger, limited access to education, and other basic services, social discrimination, and being excluded. 


You're probably thinking why are so many countries in poverty. Some of the main reasons are poor management of resources, bad government systems, and being undereducated. Some ways we could lower the poverty rate is educate children, ensure basic health care, and provide clean water. South Sudan has a poverty rate of 76.40% which is not the highest in the world. The poorest country in the world is Burundi.


Another problem is child poverty. Some of the disadvantages of child poverty are bad family structure and economic hardship. Children mostly affected by feeling less valued or loved, they often have lower self esteem. And less self confidence. The largest impact of child poverty is being born into family poverty. We can solve child poverty by creating jobs for unemployed and underemployed individuals ages 16-64 in families with children, increase the minimum wage from $7.25 to $15.00 in by 2024, and increase the Earned Income Tax Credit for lower income families with children. 


The U.S. has a poverty rate of 11.6% with 37.9 million people in poverty, which has risen 4.6% more than 2021. During covid in 2021 5.6% children lived in poverty. The main reason poverty is rising in America is because of the post pandemic expiration of an expanded child tax credit. The poorest state in the U.S is Mississippi with a poverty rate of 19.58%. New Hampshire has the lowest poverty rate of 7.42%. 


Poverty also can cause sickness, in 2019 roughly 183,000 deaths associated with poverty in the U.S. among people 15 or older. Some of the leading causes of death are heart disease, cancer and smoking were the only causes with greater mortality 

Do you think countries should focus more on poverty reduction and why?

What do you think America could do to reduce poverty?

Do you think they should or shouldn’t give free education to children that live in poverty and why?






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  • Yes, i think poverty is a very big deal, and It needs to be stopped. I think to reduce poverty more Americans need to be willing to find jobs, I think that if they aren't getting a job, it's because of their appearance, so to help with that we can help them look more presentable for a job. 

  • I think poverty is a bad thing and it's hard to raise kids like that. I think there isn't much you can do about that accept if the families can start making more money.

  • While there isn't much contries can do to prevent poverty they could open up more jobs that are easier to get in and make money. I think giving free-education for kids in poverty is a good idea but where would the money come from? I think if they made schooling cheaper it would be easier to get a better education.

  • I think that countrys should focouse on poverty reduction. I think that countrys should focouse on poverty reduction because it is there duty as a country to make it a great place to live and thrive, also people shold do nate money to people in poverty.

  • I think countries could focus on poverty a little more than they do. But I think they should offer a hand up not a hand out and that means the government could help them get a job and help them support them selves instead of giving the money they try to live off of and don't get a job.

  • I think that America should provide some free services to people in need. That could consist of free healthcare or education for families in need.  An increase in minimum wage could also incourage more people to go out and get a job to avoid poverty.

  • I think countries should focus atleast a little more on poverty. Right now we are doing almost nothing about it and its no way to live. I think America could give free healthcare. I think they should give free education to children because its a basic neccesity. Have the extra stuff like lunch be paid for.

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